Trademark Associate | Trademark Attorney
Location: Seattle, Washington
Description: IP Recruiter Group is at present looking to employ Trademark Associate | Trademark Attorney right now, this position will be assigned in Washington. More complete informations about this position opportunity kindly see the descriptions. ID#0508 - Seattle, WA. Law Firm. Trademark Attorney. Trademark prosecution and enforcement, counseling, portfolio management and acquisitions! , brand strategy, U.S. and international trademark clearance, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) proceedings, Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy. If you a re looking for (i) a more collaborative environment, (ii) high profile clients, (iii) more significant client management and counseling responsibility, and (iv) an environment where Associates are respected and developed, then consider this career opportunity.
The catch is that this firm is very selective . You must have excellent academic credentials and extremely good verbal communication and interpersonal skills (since you will have a lot of client interface). Also, you must have either a WA, or a compelling (convincing) reason to have a sincere long-term interest in the Pacific Northwest (e.g., from the area and/or went to school there, family I the area, etc.) - after all, this practice group is hoping that you are future Partner material!
Relevant Terms: trademark, brands, TTAB, Trademar! k Trial and Appeal Board, USPTO, IP, intellectual property, la! w firm, associate, attorney, lawyer, computer science, Seattle, Washington, jobs, employment, recruiters, headhunters, search firms, agencies, patent attorney, patent counsel, patent lawyer, patent associate, patents, patent law
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If you were eligible to this position, please give us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to IP Recruiter Group.
Interested on this position, just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website
This position will be opened on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 22:55:16 GMT
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