Lateral Police Officer
Location: Bothell, Washington
Description: City of Bothell, WA is hiring Lateral Police Officer right now, this job will be placed in Washington. Detailed specification about this job opportunity kindly see the descriptions. Please note: At the bottom of the job announcement are links to additional forms for you to complete. Your application is not considered complete if you do not submit the supplemental form.
Individu! als classified as Police Officers are assigned to patrol duty or other special assignments necessary to maintain public peace and order, to protect life and property, to prevent crime, to apprehend suspected violators of the law, and otherwise to assure the enforcement of State laws and City ordinances under the jurisdiction of the office of the Chief of Police.
Examples of Essential Duties:
The responsibilities and duties of a Police Officer may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Driving a police vehicle to patrol the City. Maintaining continual observation of areas patrolled including residential, business, rural and industrial facilities; observe for evidence of illegal activity in progress or which has already occurred or any other irregular activity which indicates need for attention.
Patrolling on foot as necessary to perform job thoroughly. Investigating conditions such as open doors, broken windows, vehicles parked in suspici! ous locations.
Using portable or car-mounted radio transmi! tters/receivers as necessary to exchange any and all job-related information.
Enforcing motor vehicle operating regulations. Apprehending violators; issuing warnings or citations, making arrests or taking other action as deemed warranted by the circumstances. As necessary, coordinating such activities with County Deputy Sheriffâs, Washington State Patrol Officers and Police Officers in other jurisdictions in accordance with established policy.
Operating radar unit to discover speed violations; performing routine radio checks of vehicle identification against current stolen vehicles and identifying violator drivers against outstanding arrest warrants.
Investigating and assisting drivers and pedestrians in difficulty. Resolving such situations or referring to proper authorities.
Directing traffic during abnormal situations such as accidents, fires or periods of congestion.
Performing crowd control activities at public gatherings as warranted under partic! ular circumstances including dispersal of unruly individuals or groups.
Responding to any and all emergency calls, including traffic accidents, public or private altercations, robberies, burglaries, thefts, industrial or home injuries, water accidents or deaths, and other related emergency calls.
Responding to personally sensitive calls such as family disturbances, missing persons and domestic altercations, exercising caution relative to personal safety, safety of others at scene; taking appropriate steps to calm the parties as necessary to resolve the immediate situation.
Assessing the nature and urgency of the problem upon arrival at scene of call; immediately determining the circumstances and persons in relation to nature of call, whether situation warrants routine or emergency handling, and whether other officers or superior officers should be called to the scene.
Arresting or detaining suspects for probable cause as warranted; taking all steps necessary! to preserve and control crime scene; may assist in the initial investi! gation including interview of victim and witnesses.
Reporting to scene of accidents; as necessary, administering first-aid; summoning medical personnel; controlling accident scene; interviewing principals, witnesses; preparing general sketch of accident scene noting details; and completing standard accident reports. Issuing citations or making arrests as situation warrants.
Arresting or detaining suspects, employing level of physical force necessary only to control individuals as warranted under circumstances; handcuffing and searching individuals; advising individual of rights; and transporting to local detention facilities.
Appearing in court as arresting officer to present evidence, facts, details of circumstances, and otherwise testifying against persons accused of crimes; responding to questioning and cross-examination from prosecuting and defense attorneys.
Preparing written reports to sufficient legibility and clarity that others without knowledge of ! the incident or situation can readily comprehend the facts and assure that the reports can serve as the basis for subsequent investigations for court proceedings and testimony.
Explaining content of law to persons involved in a dispute, describing the process of filing a formal complaint, the extent of law enforcement powers, and the responsibility of citizens to follow prescribed legal procedures; informing those involved of the law applicable to their situation and their alternatives or referring to employee of high classification.
Demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of modern crime prevention, investigation, apprehension, criminal identification, rules of evidence, recordkeeping and all other aspects of law enforcement.
Determining when to use flashing lights and sirens while driving a police vehicle, and determining how to drive in order to respond to emergency calls or apprehend offenders consistent with departmental policies! and procedures.
Determining when and how to use appropriately OC s! pray, defensive baton, firearms, or other defensive devices in any specific situations.
Setting-up and operating BAC breathalyzer machine.
Minimum Qualifications:
Minimum Qualifications
The following minimum qualifications apply to lateral entry officers:
Must have been employed within the past 24 months as a full-time law enforcement officer with a civilian law enforcement agency, have served for a minimum of one year, successfully completed probation and possess current basic certification from the Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC), which can be obtained by successfully completing the CJTC 440-hour Basic Law Enforcement Academy.
Out of state candidates, who have previously certified in another state, must pass the CJTC equivalency examination.
Essential Job Functions
All job applicants must have the knowledge, skills, and ability to all of the following essential job functions with or without a reasonable accommodation! :
Read, write, and speak the English language with sufficient proficiency to communicate effectively in person, over police radios, and through written reports.
Work rotating shifts, weekends, and holidays. (Officers currently work five 8-1/2 hour days on a 5/2, 5/2, 4/3 work schedule.)
Sit in a patrol vehicle for extended periods of time.
Sit, stand, walk, run, stoop, kneel, crouch, and climb.
Climb through open windows, over fences, and other stationery obstacles.
Drive a police vehicle safely and satisfactorily in both emergency and non-emergency situations.
Enter or exit a patrol vehicle rapidly in an emergency situation.
Move with sufficient physical agility to perform all police functions (e.g., take cover quickly, pursue, tackle and control a fleeing suspect, etc.).
Physically control persons, including those resisting arrest, but using appropriate and necessary force.
Use and care for department approved firearms and in the sa! fe and appropriate manner required by department regulations.
Obser! ve, memorize and recall detail.
Develop and retain detailed knowledge of City street system (and County streets surrounding the Bothell area) and geographical landmarks.
Maintain composure and self control under adverse conditions.
React quickly and calmly in emergency situations.
Perform basic mathematical calculations accurately.
Ability to prepare written reports containing sufficient legibility and clarity.
Perform duties and maintain personal conduct (on and off duty), attitude, and appearance that conform to strict policies, procedures, and discipline within a chain of command system utilized in a para-military organization.
Analyze complex problems and adopt quick, reasonable courses of action with due regard to surrounding hazards and circumstances.
Learn, interpret and properly apply laws applicable to law enforcement work, department policies and procedures, and principles of First Aid and CPR.
Cope with situations firmly, court! eously, tactfully and with respect for the rights of all citizens.
Establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees, public officials, and the general public.
Adapt to changes in work methods, procedures, environment, rules and goals of the Department.
Additional Information:
General Responsibilities
Police Officers are expected to perform conscientiously, proficiently and independently, any and all patrol assignments and duties of a regular patrol officer (or special assignments when so assigned). Individuals are responsible for recognizing the importance placed on law enforcement activities by the public and for tactful and courteous treatment of all citizens. Police officers are also responsible for assigned police vehicles and other equipment of the Police Department.
Police work involves the potential for personal injury and individuals must be able to act without direct supervision and to exercise independ! ent judgment and discretion in meeting emergencies.
Individuals ass! igned to work as Detectives may be assigned to perform all authorized activities related to criminal investigations. Work is normally performed in accordance with established policies and procedures but with the application of considerable judgment and latitude in handling all types of investigations, emergency situations, analyzing cases, interpreting and applying the law, and in preparing thorough and accurate cases for court.
Patrol and criminal investigation assignments are normally performed in accordance with departmental policies, rules, standard operating practice and established precedent, with matters requiring deviation normally referred to next higher command level for decision or direction.
Individuals may be assigned to special law enforcement activities such as non-routine investigations, surveillance, juvenile matters that call upon specialized abilities and knowledge usually attained through considerable training and experience.
Performance is r! eviewed on a continuous basis by a departmental supervisor through a performance appraisal of work methods, results achieved, reports, personal inspection and discussion. APPLICATION PROCESS
Applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis. You will be notified via email on an upcoming testing date.
Please follow this link to view the list of Disqualifyers .
If you have not been hired using Veteran (Preference) Scoring Criteria, you may submit a form. Please follow this link to the Veteran Scoring Criteria form . Complete and upload to your application along with your DD214.
Please follow this link to the supplemental application materials . Complete and upload to your application. If these aren't submitted your application is considered incomplete.
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If you were eligible to this job, please deliver us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to Cit! y of Bothell, WA.
Interested on this job, just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website
This job will be opened on: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 05:48:37 GMT
Apply Lateral Police Officer Here